The Hainanese chicken rice cooked by my friend, Ling. It is nicely decorated. The chili sauce is hot and spicy, it complements the chicken perfectly.

Cranberry, pecan and white chocolate cheesecake, made by Ling.
It had been snowing heavily before and after Christmas. The snow on the ground and the untreated surfaces are too icy, it tends to make people fall. The temperature was just below freezing but with a brisk wind, the chill factor will probably make you feel bitterly cold more like -9oC.
The streets are so crowded during this time of the year (Before Christmas). Everyone was busy with their Christmas shopping. I had been busy shopping for food a few days before Christmas having realised that the shop will normally close earlier on Christmas eve and Boxing day. No shop will be opened on Christmas day. I remember the day when I arrived in one of the local supermarket, I was shocked as all the poultry in the display racks were sold out. I then ran to the other supermarket for poultry. The journey was prolonged as the icy roads were slippery and I nearly fall for some times. It was really tiring. I was thinking then to invest on sensible footwear to keep me balance.
The streets become quiet during Christmas day, you can hardly hear the sound of the car pass-by. All shops were closed. Everyone were at home celebrating the cold Christmas. The traditional Christmas dinner would be roasted turkey with some trimmings. Instead of sitting at home doing nothing, I cooked the Hainanese Chicken Rice for the first time. It was successful. Chong said, “Thumbs up”. I will upload the photo someday later.
昨天在Facebook 看到表哥的留言,心里忽然酸了一下。
听表姐说他昨晚有醒来一下下, 但还未完全清醒。
I am praying hard for my Uncle Tan,
Wish him get well soon,
He is a tough man, everything will be fine,
He will recover soon…